Some traditional ways to dive deep and find principles to guide everyday life:
Meditation, properly instructed, is an indispensable foundation for taking the reins of one's own destiny and for designing a life with purpose and depth.
Seership helps to see more deeply into the nature of everyday life and actions, and investigate the principles of a meaningful philosophy to live by.
Symbolic Encounters explores personal symbols and metaphors, helping to work through problems, find the inspiration for a new project or reveal new perspective.
My own story began with an introduction to meditation by an inspirational teacher in 1975 during post-graduate work at the University of Oxford.

An extract from the Introduction:
"For many, the ‘twenties’ are characteristically turbulent years, full of experiments, experiences, failures and successes in the quest for a firm identity and role in life. I had a clear inner trajectory which could be characterized as searching for ‘Meaning’, ‘ultimate meaning’, or ‘God’ (though I was wary of dogma and received ideas).
I was looking for those intimations of experience beyond the personal, like ripples on a pond from some yet invisible subterranean activity. Initially, feeling my way without other guidance, by writing the diaries I had a sounding-board, a dialogue with self, part of a process to fashion a reasonably coherent worldview and identity.
I wanted to follow these intimations, but it was still a lightbulb moment when I realised that there was a way of ordering these scattered intimations into a structured whole which allowed for evolution. Order is a creative force. A pile of bricks becomes a house when they are organised, utilising the laws of space and form to realise an aim and design."